The first thing you might notice is that this video is incredibly late considering how long ago Driftwest’s round 1 actually was. I’m always struggling to put out content on time, especially if it is from a big event. I normally never attend two day drift events and have a hard time focusing on what kind of story I am going to tell. But one problem that I face every single time I film a big event is what I’m going to do with the compilations of footage afterwards. I have the constantly am at a wits end with wondering whether or not you guys, the viewers, are going to enjoy what I put together. Editing my footage into a story is seemingly the biggest challenge for me but It is something that I am slowly learning to overcome.
Earlier this week I began to tackle this video (finally..) and I found it to be a real challenge. My long-time girlfriend, Maggie, always helps me to be creative and challenges me to continue my own creative path. She sent me this image that really helped motivate me to complete this video by the weekend and to deliver something that I actually enjoy..for once.
– Devan Francis