So a while back our site must have got half hacked. What do I mean by half-hacked? Well articles would be ghost written and but they would just sit as drafts because I guess only I have the permissions to actually post these articles. So all these spam article on “how to write a great essay” sadly never got posted. Why on earth a car site was hacked for essay writing is beyond me… Maybe they were trying to send me a message about the length and content of my articles.
Anyway, I digress… In maintaining the backend of this site I’d have to go through hundreds of draft spam articles. I used the bulk delete option to get the job done. In doing so, I deleted my article from last years DUI.
This was a little upsetting to me, not because people were still trying to read a year old article but because these posts are a sort of documentation for me.
It sounds dumb, but I use it as a way to mark what I’ve done. Sometimes drift events can blur together but being able to look back on the coverage helps separate one from another. Why am I saying this on post that has nothing to do with DUI?
Well, I didn’t really have much to add about this event since the last one. I think that’s the nice thing about these events is they happen regularly enough that nothing has changed the last time.
To recap, it’s cool to go to a Drift event on a weeknight, weird that people can pretty much street drive to that event. If you have a drift car you should try and drive it. (Not you Paul from ShadyNasty, the ferry ride is too much and you’re going to be dad) Maybe one day, I’ll even try to drive it, but probably not because I’m terrified of getting a VI leaving Vancouver and I can’t afford things.
Anyway, these events are essentially what the local drift scene needs. Spaced out enough that they don’t get old and good mix of drivers. Thanks Dark Lotus Drift for running these events.