By Trevor Glenn, Contributor
Spring has officially kicked off and we are anticipating the warmer temperatures that are just around the corner. I figured it’d be a good time to reminisce about the Final Bout series and more specifically the Final – Final Bout, aka Final Bout 3. Final Bout may be gone, but it’s not forgotten. Much of the spirit that fuelled this event has gone on to fuel other events around the country. With all the excitement of the new season, I figured a little refresher of Final Bout 3 would be welcomed.
For those of you who are a little rusty or just didn’t know, Garage Moon Power was the winner of Final Bout 3. They had a great presence and frankly, their driving just kicked ass! They rightfully took the win!
Knowing that this was the last event of the Final Bout series was bittersweet. Ryan brought me on board to DODOlogic as a correspondent for the midwest and perhaps more specifically, Final Bout. For years, Final Bout had been our primary focus on the site and to lose it was a tough pill to swallow. That being said, Ilia assured us we didn’t have to worry! The events in the midwest will always retain the vibes of Final Bout and good hangs are only a couple messages away.
It was nice to see the series reach its pinnacle and go out with a bang opposed to a whimper.
The event brought out all the usual suspects from around the country. Animal Style made the long journey back out to our neck of the woods. It seemed fitting, as they’ve participated in a Final Bout event every year since the beginning.
A large group of guys also made it out from the east coast, like Front Street and Bosstown!
Being that I don’t do a ton of photography, I still shoot with a T3i and basic kit lenses. This year. I’m seeking to grow the minuscule arsenal and get a bit more practice, as well as some seat time – after what seems like years of the S14 being parked!
I’m looking forward to seeing more of everyone this year now that I’ll have a car worth bringing to the different events throughout the midwest. I’m anxious to see what the guys with Proceed and Club FR have in store for us in future.