By Devan Francis, DODOlogic
I’m really, really, REALLY bad at getting posts up in a timely manner. I’m also not a frequent writer. That being said, I definitely have a lot to say about my September trip to Japan. But I’m going to specifically avoid going on and on about what I did, my opinions and “how the trip changed my life, man, it changed me.”
Instead, I’m going to leave you with photos that mean something to me, highlight what I saw and have a very brief description of a specific moment when that photo was taken. YES, it was a trip of a lifetime. And the next time I go, I’m going to head north and ski the insane amount of powder that crushes that region every season…
Scroll, roll and let me know what photos you liked or didn’t. Everyone needs a critic.
This is what I did on my second day after arriving in Japan, seriously.
“Yo Devan, lets go.”
Aleks Efremov.
Don’t touch.
Trying to keep my composure.
Sweaty palms. I kept thinking, “What if i slip and hit this thing…”
It’s really all about the old things.
I try to shoot through things – always.
Still trying to stay composed.
Wear and tear and more wear.
Hiro Yuki, this is his, he also runs this shop, he doesn’t care what kind of car he has to work on.
My mind was racing, I was too clouded to take every angle of this car, I couldn’t think straight, I was too excited.
Hiro brought this out to show my friend the exhaust system, he proceeded to rev the piss out of it, the neighbourhood was so quiet before he did that – SUGOI!
His dad was the previous owner. I also really dig his coveralls.
Brick or round?
The way the light transitioned into the back of the shop was striking to me.
These young bloods were fully stoked on all the cars.
Pop machines are everywhere and anywhere, I saw two of them at the end of a massive parking lot in the middle of the countryside…
I could have flooded this page with RWB photos but I only wanted to share one, this moment explains the entire energy of the place and what it is about.
Jet lag started to set heavy when I snapped this photo of Nobaru.
This is his car, I told him it is nice, he had no clue what I said.
Parking lot guard lurking in the BG.
This thing had a CS decal on it, made the world feel small.
I always enjoyed watching an old Top Gear episode when Clarkson tries out the R34 – “Playstation on wheels.”
For those boys.
Like a moth to a flame, I didn’t even really understand what I was looking at…
The grass was really nice here.
Post up.
This guy parked at the very end of Daikoku, I gave him a DODO decal, we didn’t understand one another at all but I think he understood “auto blog.” I wonder if he kept that decal?
Then my camera battery died…