This car probably looks familiar and you might be wondering why you’ve seen so much of it lately. It is, of course, the poster car for this year’s Defrost. This S14 Silvia belongs to fellow DODO’er Jason Gellner and it’s spent the winter going through some big changes.
On Friday night, Jason and I traveled to the shop so he could pack the car up and take it to Saskatoon for some final touches. It spent part of the weekend with Jesse Ollivier of Works Engineering Canada.
Winter hibernation usually results in a lot of dust, so Jason wanted to brush of some of the cobwebs before taking it anywhere.
I actually did a post on his wheels a few months ago — when he first received them. Now that these Weds Cerebus are wrapped and properly fitted to the car, it was definitely worth another look.
So one of the projects we’ve been monitoring this winter is out and ready for Defrost. It will be interesting to see what else starts showing up.