So about a week ago, we had the opportunity to check out the 2012 Hyper Car Charity Challenge. The show consisted of high-end exotics that are going to partake in the upcoming Race the Base event.
Shooting cars like this in a large group is always out of the norm for me. If you follow DODOlogic at all then you are well aware that we probably don’t have as much exotic car content as we should. I am very use to not having to compete with the crowd to get photos of the cars.
Exotics hold some sort of mystical power that can turn anyone into an automotive enthusiast. I think what I like most about these cars is there’s no need explain why they are cool.
As a kid, I can remember having a Ferrari poster on my wall, it shared real estate with a bunch of movie posters. I didn’t know anything about the car other then it looked rad but that didn’t matter because that is all I needed to know.
I of course got older, fell in love with imports and ipso facto DODOlogic.
Cars like this don’t need to be justified to any one, not like so much of the automotive culture that keeps me going. The only thing you will here onlookers mention is the price tags on these fine automobiles. However, that really isn’t a point of contention for anyone but rather an interesting fact.
As you can probably tell, I haven’t named a single one of these vehicles yet and chances are you probably don’t need me to walk you through it. If you don’t know the model, you at least know the make and that illustrates exactly what I have been rambling on about.
The best and worst part about this, is that these cars are going to be put through their paces and the Race the Base event. That is of course the “best” because these cars racing jet planes is about the coolest thing, however it is also the worst because we don’t get to see it.
That orange Lambo is twin turbo’d and is “supposedly” running over 1000hp
Correct. The magic number is 1476.