We all know just how much fun it is to “E hate” or at least know somebody that does it.
When I first read the article “Rich Corinthian Leather #2: Hella Suck. I orginally thought nothing of it and had a good laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the article. The blog consists of one man’s hate for the Style that is Flush Fitment. I did happen to notice that the article originated in Toronto, but again thought nothing of it. That is until I started to read the comments and it dawned on me. This man is “representing” Canada and this becomes apparent when you start to read the comments.
So let’s set this straight, not all Canadian car enthusiates are completely jaded. We have a promising Drift league that is Nation wide and as you may have seen on Speedhunters this month, more Nissan Skylines than one can almost handle. We here in Saskatchewan, may not agree with said E hate towards the style of wheel fitment (Obviously, with all of our Hellaflush posts) but the man from Toronto who be haten’ is allowed to have his opinions. I just hope next time he posts something so dramatic he can pretend he is from arkansas.
So from all us here in Saskatchewan, who dare to dream of lowered cars and sick fitting wheels in a land where the cars can barely handle the roads. We salute the blogs who fight for the day when a man can drive down the street and not be judged on the flushness of his wheels or lowness of his car but rather be celebrated or at the very least just accepted.
bridge the generation gap! stickers are cool! and sick stance doesn’t happen over night! 😀
You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it