As far back a I can remember I have loved cars, and not just any type of cars but imports. To be even more specific Japanese cars, now some people may shutter at this very thought while others will understand me completely. There isn’t much in this world that makes me as happy as nicely tuned Nissan. Is that bad? Maybe. Nerdy? Hells yeah it is but it is the truth.
Now you may be wondering what does this have to do with anything. Well you see like-minded people tend to seek each other out. Also,it is no secret that car guys love to name things that don’t really need to be named. Seeing as how all the members of Dodo Logic are obviously like minded car guys, we ran with the name thing. This is is how Dodo Logic came to be, but in many ways it is our self awareness of flawed logic. On the upside we now have an excuse to have vinyl on our car.